Monday, February 9, 2015

Not Every Man Lives

Part One:  Overall, I thought it was a very interesting movie.  The time period of when the Scotts were rebelling against England is not a time period that is regularly covered in history class.  In fact, I can't really remember ever learning about this time, so it was very eye opening.  I thought that the battle scenes throughout the movie were very intense and I could count on being entertained by them.  However, it just felt like the plot and entire movie for that matter just dragged on for an unnecessary amount of time.  With that being said, I still enjoyed the movie.  I thought Mel Gibson acting as William Wallace was great.  He was the ideal leader and motivator that the Scottish people needed at the time.  He knew what he wanted, and he was going to go get it by getting all of the other Scottish people to follow him.  I thought the whole situation that Scottland was in was very similar to the way America formed.  Both breaking away from England by leaders getting the population to fight back and gain the freedom they deserved.

Part Two:  I really enjoy this quote.  I think Wallace was saying that yeah everyone can live and go through life without meaning and then die.  However, if you really and truly want to live, then you need to live with the freedom that you deserve.  And that's how he was motivating people.  By showing them that they have so much more to live for, and that they needed to seize their freedom and start to truly live.  This applies to my life because you need to enjoy yourself and do the things that you love.  You can't just go through the motions and live a boring life.  Anyone can do that.  It takes you doing the things you love, and being with people that matter around you to truly live a good and fufilling life.  You can die at any moment.  Will you be happy with the life you will have lived up to that point when the time comes?  That's the real question.

1 comment:

Burk said...

You make several good points and I enjoyed reading your post. As an athlete, I bet you've witnessed a lot of players going through the motions. There are not too many things in my world that are more frustrating. But realistically, I too have been guilty of the same at times. I believe it takes a conscientious effort not to because as you know it can be a lot easier to follow rather than lead. In any case, you only have one life to live. Might as well get the most out it. Nice job Stepen!