Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Power of Hope

I absolutley loved this movie.  The storyline was phenomenal, and Russel Crow did an outstanding job portraying the hard working Jim Braddock.  The beginning was a little slow, but quickly picked up.  The overall struggle of the Braddock family and Jim's perseverence to overcome the adversity that was striking them was truly intruiging.  His hard work and dedication seemingly just kept you hooked throughout the movie.  You felt his emotions, and were pulling for him the whole time even without realizing you were at first.  The movie just made me feel good about myself.  I felt inspired like I could accomplish anything that I wanted to accomplish.  All you need is a reason to do something.  A reason that you are willing to risk all that you have to accomplish the goal that you have set out to do.  Anything is possible.

People felt with Braddock because of his story.  Here was a man who was on top, then the depression hit and he basically lost it all.  He and his family struggled through the tough, tough times, but they never lost hope.  He always found a way to support for his family whether it was begging for jobs, or swallowing his pride and getting help from the government.  In my eyes, swallowing the pride was one of the most brave things he could have done.  Anyways, people could relate to the position he was in because they were struggling too.  All of a sudden, this man seems to rise from nothing, living his dream and providing for his family, living a cinderella story.  People thought of themselves as him, hoping one day soon that they too could find a way to provide.  It's just like in todays world.  People all the time look to athletes to provide inspiration for their daily lives.  We for some reason cling to these people who have made a name for themselves.  It's just inspiring how hard they have worked to get to this point.  These kind of people simply just strike hope into an ordinary person.  Hope that they could keep providing for their family.  Hope that one day they can retire and have no worries.  Hope that they can be the best person that they can be.  Many and any types of hope that there are, these special people give that to us ordinary people.  It's just the power of hope that keeps people going, because without hope, no one would work for anything.

1 comment:

Burk said...

It took a lot for him to swallow his pride. You make some interesting points about today's athletes. And I agree - some of them accept the role and inspire us all the time. Others, however, and we both could think of a few, have the opposite effect. I think what makes Braddock's story so special is that he was just a regular guy, and he after his second stint of fame, stayed that way for the rest of his life. In my world that's the definition of inspiration. Great post!