Friday, April 24, 2015

United 93

This movie was great.  It showed all of the tragic events that happened that everyone knows about, but then it also showed you what happened behind the scenes.  I thought that this part was very cool to see because you saw how the people reacted whose job it was to react.  I thought they also did a good job of showing how the citizens on the plane heroically acted to overtake the plane back from the terrorists.  It was a great movie, and I would definitely recommend it to anybody who asked about it.

This movie filled me with hope because of how the people on the plane acted.  Once they realized what was going on, they took it upon themselves to save many more people.  They knew what they had to do and they did it.  They were truly heroes.

I think that we should never forget how bravely U.S. citizens acted on this day.  Everyone helped out everyone in trouble and tried to stay strong.  I think that everyone that helped should be extremely proud of themselves.  Although it was a horrible day in our history, we all came together as one and showed why we are the strongest country.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lone Survivor

I really enjoyed this movie.  I thought that it was one of the best put together war films that I have seen.  The way that they displayed the actions scenes were phenomenal.  It kept people in suspense, and kept them hooked all movie.  I thought it was great.  Mark Wahlberg and the other main actors did a great job of showing how hard it really is over seas where they are fighting.  It's no easy task and men do crazy things to try and protect our country.

Well I think that if it's not being portrayed accurately, then average citizens will have no idea what is really going on over there.  We have such small media coverage on the situation, and don't actually get to see the secret missions that go on.  So really, people just rely on movies to fill their heads of what really happens.  It can just be bad because if it is portrayed as gruesome or not good, then citizens could easily turn on the military.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Hurt Locker

I really enjoyed this movie.  Right from the beginning I was hooked when the squad was trying to disarm the bomb.  I thought it had a lot of good action scenes, along with the emotional part to keep you fully engaged.  I thought that the movie did a good job of showing you the emotions that go along with doing risky things like this, and how it affects all of the people who love you.  It also showed how hard it is to come back home and try and act normal.  It definitely taught me more about the subject of war.

This had the impact of showing me what really can go on during the war.  At times it was hard to imagine doing that on a daily basis.  It really puts things into perspective and makes you appreciate the people who are fighting for us.  My favorite scene was when Sanborn and James were talking and James was saying he didn't even know how he had the guts to do the things he did.  I thought it was a very powerful conversation.

I think the hurt locker is the locker all of the dead soldier's possession goes in.  I think this because at the beginning when the first guy died, Sanborn put all of his stuff in a locker.  So I think it's basically a dead man's locker.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Apollo 13

This movie was just okay for me.  I think that the space race is very interesting and I usually really love Tom Hanks, but I just wasn't really feeling this movie for some reason.  I thought the people playing the crew did well, and it was an interesting story, but for some reason I wasn't very connected to it.  It is a very crazy thing because I didn't know much about Apollo 13, so seeing the events that happened were pretty cool, and it's great that they made them back.

I would say that the main theme that I picked up on was teamwork.  Throughout the movie, all of the crew members had to rely on each other and the people back in the US to make it back home safely.  Even when one crew member couldn't go, they relied on the new one with teamwork and all made it.  This movie really showed that the power of teamwork can accomplish anything, especially if you can use it off of this earth.  I thought it was a pretty powerful message.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I thought that this was a pretty decent movie.  I really enjoy the topic of the JFK assassination and I like the different ideas of what happened.  It is something that is overlooked what actually happened after, so it was kind of cool to gain a lot more insight.  I thought they directed it pretty well to keep everyone interested and keep the mood intense.  I thought the character of the Mrs. Oswald portrayed her character very well to show how crazy she really was.  I would really only recommend this movie to people interested in the whole situation with JFK.

Interviewing my grandma:
-She was at home.
-She had the house to herself at the moment, and when she found out her heart dropped.
-It just shocked her when it happened, she didn't know how to react.
-She doesn't believe that it was a conspiracy.  She believes Lee Harvey Oswald just did it because he was unhappy.  Simple as that.  No governement involvement.
-Just that a man got shot for trying to make positive change in the world and speaking his mind.  It's not right.

Friday, March 20, 2015


I really liked this movie.  I'm pretty sad that the movies about the mob are ending because both films that we showed are great.  I really enjoyed this movie because my dad actually had connections to John Nardi and told me stories about this time.  So I felt like I had a connection to this time as well because of the insight I got from him.  It's also sweet because this all took place in Cleveland, so we are kind of just living in a place where a lot of history took place.  All this together makes you really enjoy a movie.  I really liked the character of Danny Green as well, obviously, so it was just a great film to watch altogether.

This is tough.  Danny Green is a man who is going to get what he wanted.  He grew up an orphan and was not privileged at all.  He worked his way up, and worked hard.  He got involved with the mob but then eventually broke off.  He tried to get away from that lifestyle and just live a family life, but got dragged back in after a bad deal.  This is how the Irishman nickname came about.  After he got dragged back in, he took business away from the mob and they tried to kill him, but were unsuccessful.  He claimed it was due to the luck of the Irish.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How did you get him to do that? "I made him an offer he couldn't refuse"

This movie is now one of my favorite movies of all time.  I had previously not seen it, but have heard a lot about it from family and just people in general.  My dad used to always joke with me saying that the Godfather teaches you everything you need to know about life, and now I know why.  Marlon Brando did a great job at portraying Vito, and I loved how the movie was told from an insider only viewpoint.  It made you feel connected to everything going on within the family, and have a lot of suspense what would happen next because there were no events that tipped you off to what was going to happen.  I love learning about this time period and about organized crime, so I was very excited to finally watch this movie, and it definitely didn't disappoint.  This movie really made me wonder how much organized crime still exists to this day.  Something cool to think about in my opinion.

Vito Corleone is the moral center to this film because everything runs through him.  Not even just the business side of the family, but the moral and happiness of the entire family.  When he got shot the whole family started going down because their leader and loved Don was down.  He was the perfect man to be leading the family.  I think when he died the world lost a giant.  This was a respectable man who was very good at what he did.  He thought rationally and provided for his family.

I love the fact that the film is told from an insider's perspective.  It makes the film different than many other films, due to the facts I stated earlier such as feeling connected to the family and not knowing what the outside families were doing.  It was very unique in that aspect and I believe it to be ahead of its time.  This movie without a doubt deserves to be called a classic.  The amount of people that know of and love the Godfather is unreal.  It's part of America's history and the fact that it resonates with so many people still today just shows how great of a story it was.  I believe the true definition of a classic is a a work of art that is relatable in any time period and one that is well known and loved.